About the Redevelopment
The Westridge Homes Redevelopment is part of the Denver Housing Authority's direct pipeline to increase affordable housing options in Denver. Westridge is an existing 200 unit public housing site adjacent to the Knox St. Station bounded by 13th Ave, Newton St. 14th Ave, and Knox Court. The twelve-acre site has the capacity to include over 600 units with existing infrastructure in place. The Denver Housing Authority is working to leverage the DHA Delivers for Denver (D3) Funds to create 290 units to serve low to moderate income families in a quickly gentrifying community in the next four years.
Adopted/Ongoing City Plans
Zoning Overview
Westridge Homes is currently zoned as GMU - 5. The G-MU-5 zone district (which means General Urban Multiunit 5 stories) is intended to promote and protect higher density residential neighborhoods through a variety of multiunit residential building types. These include the urban house, duplex, row house, garden court, and apartment with a maximum height of 5 stories.
The characteristics of this zone district foster a pedestrian-scaled environment:
Buildings that are oriented to the street
Access from the alley
Typically high lot coverage with shallow front yard
Learn more about GMU - 5 and what is currently permitted on the site: GMU - 5 Overview
Learn more about the GMU - 5 design standards: GMU - 5 Design Standards