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Re:Westridge is the master planning and redevelopment of the Denver Housing Authority's Westridge Homes. Be a part of the community revisioning of Westridge Homes! 

Master Planning 2019    

Master Planning for the Redevelopment of Westridge Homes has been initiated to create a community-informed plan that will guide the replacement of the existing Westridge Homes. The redevelopment will replace the existing public housing units and will add additional workforce (mid-range affordable) and market rate units. The master planning will provide the opportunity to understand and integrate Westridge resident needs, the unique site topography, desired amenities, new units, off-site parking, and a plan that better integrates the Westridge Home blocks as a transit-oriented and quality subarea of the West Colfax neighborhood.


Westridge Home property

Owner: the Denver Housing Authority (DHA)

Size: 12 acres

Existing units: 200 public housing

Redevelopment: up to 600 units with a mix of public housing, moderately affordable and a limited number of market rate units.



1. Why redevelop Westridge Homes?


The buildings at Westridge Homes are over 60 years-old and the maintenance costs are significant. A recent partnership of the Denver Housing Authority and the City and County of Denver successfully created a bond funded $130 million for affordable housing. The program called DHA Delivers for Denver (D3) allocates half of the $130M raised to fast-track DHA’s development pipeline over the next five years; nearly 1,300 affordable housing units. The D3 funds will be used to Master Plan and fund the first two phases of Westridge redevelopment, approximately 290 units.


2. What will the redevelopment include?


The redevelopment of Westridge Homes will allow DHA to house more residents near transit and other key amenities. The Westridge property is zoned for residential use. Many different housing types are allowed, including townhomes and apartments, but the details will be determined through the master planning process, which includes a thorough community engagement component. The master planning process will explore how many units can be redeveloped, what the site locations and building heights are recommended, the needed amenities (inside and out), and if any of the redevelopment ideas need rezoning.


3. What is the West Colfax Advisory Committee (WCAC)?


The WCAC is a group of Westridge and West Colfax residents, and representatives from organizations that serve Westridge and West Colfax. The WCAC will meet to advise on the master planning, serving as conduits of information to residents of Westridge Homes and West Colfax. The WCAC after May 2020 may transition to advise on the Westridge master plan for the Neighborhood Planning Initiative (NPI) West project.


4. Main projects of focus for CAC?


Westridge Redevelopment: The redevelopment of Westridge Homes, led by DHA, to increase the number and cost and energy efficiency of units.


NPI West: Part of the Neighborhood Planning Initiative, which is the City and County of Denver’s effort to ensure that all areas of the city are covered by a small area plan for neighborhoods to create and unfold a community-specific vision. The West planning area includes Barnum & Barnum West, Sun Valley, Valverde, Villa Park, and West Colfax.


5. What will be built?


The Westridge property is zoned for residential use. Many different housing types are allowed, including townhomes and apartments, but the details will be determined through the master planning process, which includes a thorough community engagement component. The master planning process will explore rezoning options to include mixed use if necessary.


6. How many new units will be created? Are they all affordable public housing?


A potential 600 homes will be created from the redevelopment; that’s about 3x the number of homes currently at the Westridge site. Not all units will be public housing; moderately affordable and market rate units will also be provided.


7. How will the community be involved in the Westridge planning and design process?

The project team will regularly meet with the LRC, the Community Advisory Committee (CAC), residents of Westridge, and the community at large (1-2 meetings). Surveys will be distributed to residents to reveal the needs of the community. In addition, a project website has been created with meeting presentations and surveys. Print materials on the project are available at the Mulroy Opportunity Center during DHA business hours. Website: Share the webpage and ask your neighbors to respond to our ‘Tell Us’ surveys.


8. How will the redevelopment progress?

  • High-Level Timeframe 

    • Master planning through spring 2020

      • DHA Real Estate Department refining sources of financing and details based on master plan goals

      • All construction phases of redevelopment will be determined in the master planning process but the first phase of construction likely won’t begin until 2021

    • The Redevelopment of Westridge will be phased to minimize impact on existing residents and on the neighborhood.

      • DHA will work with the residents and community organizations throughout the relocation process

      • All residents relocated from Westridge will have the “Right of First Refusal” and return to the neighborhood

      • Relocation will be done in phases to align with construction phases

      • Relocation of residents will not occur until summer of 2021

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